The Bernina 530 debuted in 1954 as their first “semi automatic” and laid the groundwork for their domination of the upscale market, the Record series are some of the nicest machines ever conceived.
In most respects using one is like using a completely modern machine.
1958 was the last year year they used a scripted font, and in 1959 they added a ruler gauge on the bed, and brightened up the colours a little. They also changed the stitch width and buttonhole stop control.
We have so many repairs in the shop and machines in the queue that it might be a while before I get to work on restoring this one to like new condition.
My mom has this machine and it is a wonder! So smooth and fast, love it. I bought a featherweight from you this fall and took it on its first retreat last weekend. I pieced two quilts that day with it. It works like a charm! I love it so much! I still need to come see you for more accessories. I will see you in the new year. Also I’m interested in a table for it.
We will be placing another order for tables in the new year, and will also be offering carry cases at a special price for our customers.
I have a Bernina 530-2 record and recently the control foot is no longer working. Is there a compatible foot control I can use in its place?
Thank you
The 530 is not as fussy about pedals as the later electronic models so you could use a new electronic pedal as a replacement.