In the many years we have been doing what we do, we have been working from a rather small house with limited space and when I say I am knee deep in machines, I am not kidding.
This week we made the decision to move to a new home that is bigger, and we are going to have a larger dedicated sewing room / workshop / class space.

Right now I have gotten as far as installing floor to ceiling shelving along one wall which should accommodate about 40 machines, cabinet machines will ring the room, leaving the centre open to set up tables for classes, or laying out some quilt projects I have had in the works.

Looking to have a functional work space in the next week and once we get completely re-settled, will be hosting an open house or two to let folks come in and say hi, and be able to play with some of the machines in our collection.
There will be home made cookies and refreshments… 🙂
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