Pearl’s Perch

Check in regularly for Pearl’s sewing tips and to see what our shop assistant and greeter has been up to…

What a beautiful machine, even though it does not have a perch…

Another machine with a perch that goes up and down… wheeee !
The bestest machines are the ones with built in perches…
It is winterz here now, cold outside but the shop is cozy and warm.
Taking a day off… went to the Italian market with mom and dad.
When you are a baby bird, everything looks like a perch. I can keep an eye on daddy when he is working from here.
Checking the feets… my dad says these are for “felling”.
You should have a thread stand when you use cross wound thread or want to use a big spool off the back of the machine, they are also great perches for little baby birds like me. Marshall’s feets are too big to perch here…

After a hard day of work I love to take a shower so I smell fresh and clean…

I am not allowed to drink coffee… but I like to sneak it when I can.

Always check the latches on your sewing machine cases…

Making sure my dad does things right…

This is a Singer 15… everyone should own one.
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