We work with a lot of individuals in the vintage sewing world and many have done some amazing work in providing information, videos, and information on these machines we do so love.
We have been working together for many years in a spirit of cooperation, and nobody makes better videos on how to repair your sewing machines, and my hands will never look this good. The amount of information here is stunning and skillfully presented.
Alex Askaroff is one of the preeminent writers on the history of sewing machines and a master craftsman and technician, his web site is a treasure and we consider him a friend as well.
He operates Sussex Sewing Machines in England and like me, makes house calls.
The International Sewing Machine Collectors Society maintains a huge database of information on vintage sewing machines and of particular use and interest are the serial number records for many brands of machines, particularly Singer.
You won’t find a more knowledgeable group of people.
Naaimachines Vintage & Antique
My friend Niels lives in Holland and although he is a teacher by day, he is also a brilliant restorer of sewing machines, is extremely knowledgeable, and often has machines for sale you just can’t find on this side of the pond.
Vintage Sewing Machines (Non Singer)
Many discussions on vintage sewing machines center around Singer machines, but there is a huge world of machines out there and this group is very enjoyable, and very knowledgable.
The Elkins are a wonderful couple who travel the U.S. giving repair, restoration, and maintenance workshops, and are some really fine folks from Kentucky.
My favourite place to discuss the Singer Featherweight and 222k, David is an excellent guy who runs a shop down in Washington State and a very knowledgeable restorer.
Youtube Channels on Repair
Andytube – Some of the most complete advice on servicing machines you will find anywhere.
Archaic Arcane – Once again, this is why I don’t have to post repair videos, and my hands are not nearly as attractive.
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