One thing I do to almost every machine is to swap out the straight spool pin for a drilled one, and most often an inexpensive industrial pin does the job. On a few machines with threaded pins I have to either thread the replacement pin, or drill the existing pin.
When you use a thread stand on many machines the thread can jump out of the guide, especially if they are an open guide like the Pfaff 31 shown, it is a pretty close copy of a Singer 15 which also benefits greatly by adding a $1.00 spool pin.
By using the pin with a guide, the angle of the thread going into the guide is the same as if you were using a spool and not coming in from a higher angle as seen on this Singer 66 Lotus. It has since had a spool pin upgrade…

I had to thread the pins for my Pfaff 130… with just the right amount of turns to get them to align properly.
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